黃島主 2nd Sep 2005, 11:54 AM 東邪日常生活記事 (409 Reads)
Today is 2th September, 2005. Friday. The weather is good and with sunshine.
How are my dearest friends? Really thank you for your frequent visits on my blog, reading those rubbish opinions, comments with my naive thoughts. Everytime when i notice there are some friends leaving messages in my blog, i would be very joyful. Those friends are from Hong Kong and foreign. I recall and enjoy the time when i were in university time, the days spent in HKU, and the days in Katso..... where there was a diary book on the society table for sharing thoughts and opinions by the katso members. I was one of the frequent writers and readers on the said diary. I have all along the time been expecting to have an internt diary from that time. Nonetheless, for busy works and life during the early times after graduation, nothing i have done for truly establishing my internet diary. But now, the time is mature, and i think it should be the right time to put one's thoughts in this blog.
Just few words i wanna leave here suddenly for particular group of people i care....
How are my friends in Harmony group? Please forgive my frequent absence of the meetings. Although every memeber in the group is busy, i still believe they all have the same mind and willingness to gather back as a group from time to time. Let's continue to make it well.
And, how about my friends in Canada? Lionel, Turtle? Always a silly mind, i have, that the air in foreign should be much fresher than Hong Kong's. Am i right?
This afternoon, I will have to attend another Court hearing, what a last hurdle before i can merrily enter the weekend......
Recently, I cannot really sleep well, perhaps it's cos by the life pressure but I will try my best to relax. And i will also play well in Winning Eleven 9 to strike back my loss matchs!
留言(11) 引用(0) 話題(我的日記)
i have asked u to talk more about yourself.......u haven't done so....
[引用] 作者 12345678 3rd Sep 2005 6:29 AM
like the music....makes me think of the good old days
[引用] 作者 12345678 3rd Sep 2005 6:31 AM
writer "12345678", 你想我寫多些自己的甚麼東西呢? 你可否話我知你是誰, 我們是否似曾相識呢? ;)
[引用] 作者 東邪黃藥師 3rd Sep 2005 7:55 PM
[引用] 作者 12345678 11th Sep 2005 7:58 AM
VC=victor chan? :(
[引用] 作者 東邪黃藥師 15th Sep 2005 1:15 AM
:D Yes! how r u? haven't heard from you for a long time!!
[引用] 作者 12345678 15th Sep 2005 3:19 AM
你真係無聊呀!!! 12345678!!! :D
[引用] 作者 東邪黃藥師 16th Sep 2005 1:13 AM
yes. how r u?
[引用] 作者 12345678 16th Sep 2005 6:14 AM
Obviously u have forgotten me. do u know any other vc?
[引用] 作者 12345678 16th Sep 2005 6:16 AM
I just queried why 12345678 always put down the messages in the very early morning.
u know? one would usually and instinctly thought that the secret one be the closed friend(s), especially, female, met in the past, hehehe ;)
[引用] 作者 東邪黃藥師 16th Sep 2005 10:48 AM
你寫啲野都幾得意同攪笑,隨咗日文嗰篇唔識睇之外,其他的都好正面同有見地,不愧係法律界人士, 好專業呢! :D
[引用] 作者 莎莉 29th Sep 2005 5:14 PM
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